Vamps live in Barcelona 28-09-2013 Show. Last Song!!!

Yesterday was the show of the japanese band called Vamps in Barcelona, i’ve been 3 years ago in the vamps show also in Barcelona, but we were like 300/400 people only, this time i think we were near 800 and all crowd were dancing and having a good time, Vamps did an amazing show.

If you don’t know who they are you can also try to find music of L’arc en ciel, Hyde (vocalist and guitar) is the main vocals of this very famous band in Japan(also in the world), i was in the show last year in the olympic stadium in Tokyo watching L’arc en ciel in front near 100.000 people, so as you can imagine we can feel very lucky for see this amazing musicians very very close, also i was happy because last months Vamps were playing in Zepp Tokyo 7 days but i couldn’t go because everything was sold out, so now in my short visit in Barcelona i was lucky to be there.

They played around 1h and 40 minutes, and they were very very professional, good sound, good attitude, etc… I was recording last song, my favourite and maybe the most famous song of this band, don’t miss it!!


If you like Vamps and L’arc en ciel i made a cover of «Blurry eyes» in a classic style as a tribute for the anniversary of last year


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