Some info About Carles Sabater Memorial


This was a Tv review for a Carles Sabater Memorial. I play 4 songs with «La nova trinca», «Hotel california» from Eagles, «És inútil continuar», «El tren de mitja nit» and of course «Boig per tu», this song is like a Hymn in Cataluña, its the most famous song from Carles Sabater (R.I.P).
When we take the bus to arrive in the «Llançà» Theatre, we had a wrong way and we stay 30/45 mins in France!! incredible xD but true, very funny for us.
Was great to be in Memorial!! in the last song «Boig per tu» all people was stand up with his hands over head, singing, crying, loving Carles Sabater… was awesome.
Always i like to say that to be a musician its an awesome experience because we see all people from the Stage, its like to look a film in the cinema, but we’re the cinema screen and its great to see all smile faces, laught, cry, etc… its one of the best things in the live music.
I want to thank all my friends, David and Trinca, the sound crew (you’re the best Victor!), light crew, Theatre crew of Llançà, Coco Comín and Joan (Beatles fan like me!! my dude!) and of course…Thanks Carles!! we’ll remember forever.

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